Shipping policy

  1. Shipping Methods:
  • We offer many shipping methods like standard shipping, expedited shipping, and express shipping depending on your location and the items in your order.
  • Processing Time:
  • Processing takes 1-2 business days after payment confirmation.
  • Normal Order Delivery Takes Around 3 to 4 business working days
  1. Shipping Rates:
  • Shipping rates are calculated based on the weight, dimensions, and destination of your order.
  1. Estimated Delivery Times:
  • General order takes 2-5 days to be delivered. depending on the shipping method selected and the destination of your order.


  1. Order Tracking:
  • Tracking number will be shared on wattsapp or email to monitor the status of your delivery.


  1. Delivery Issues:
  • In the event of a delivery issue or delay, please contact our customer service on contact number.
  • 0 We reserve the right to update our shipping policy at any time. Any changes will be communicated to you via email or through our website.

Contact for any query regarding this Website. Phone:+91 72488 00053  Email:[email protected]
